This is the Sculptured House and the architect is charles utter deaton and it is located next to golden, colorado and it is a private how and the house has ben sold for 5.5million. Charles Deaton's inspiration for the house was captured by an article in Art in America: "On Genesee Mountain I found a high point of land where I could stand and feel the great reaches of the Earth. I wanted the shape of it to sing an unencumbered song."
This is the National Centre for the Performing Arts in bejing,china and the architect is paul andreu. The cost of the construction of this building cost 2.688 billion renminbi and its open to the pubilc but for a fee to get in. I picked this building because it caught my eye because its not every day you see and egg floating on water people say.
This is the Atomium in Belgium and the architect was Andre Waterkeyn. It was Constructed in 1958 and its not open to the public for safety reasons. I picked this building because the building just look realy cool and it just sticks out.
This is the eden project and the Architect was Nicholas Grimshaw. It was a two and an half year project and it was opened to the public on March 17 2001. The eden project is in the United Kingdom. I pickd this building because it reminded me of the bubble shield from halo 3 and that its one that caught my eye because there is nothing else in the world like this.
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